15th April 2024


Arborist on site late April. Some works may interfere with holes and tee usage.

4th Dam

Works are progressing. For safety the course will be set up on a daily basis. Either 4th hole in play as par 4, par 3 or closed. If closed the 8th hole will open as a short par 3.

Practice Fairway/ 3rd

Some safety netting will be installed along the practice tee the week commencing April 22. 

Volunteers report

March  2024

Fallen gum nuts at the 11th tee were raked and disposed of. 

Worked in the garden bed behind the club house where shrubs were trimmed and tidied.

Attended to the top side of Kath’s garden with trimming and removal of cuttings.

Cut back the shrubs that had grown onto the right hand side of the 7th tee.

Picked up and removed fallen gum tree debris from along the left hand side of the second and third holes.

Re tied the shade clothe that had fallen behind the 5th tee.


Also to our very important members of the Volunteer Team who have contributed their time during 2023.

Bruce Collins, Ken Cooper, Colin Grey, John Griffiths, Bob Harding, Henry Holman, Stan James, Chris Jamieson, Geoff Kinniburgh, Ross McKenzie, John Middleton, Terry O’Riley, Puffa Sawyer, Rick Spillane, David Stephenson, Kenny Vu, Mike Woods.


2023 8th Hole

Concept design attached for re-instatement at the end of the project with Melbourne Water via TP golf.

Course Master plan

The 2010 Course Master Plan is attached below that is used as a guide for future works.

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